Each year, growers supplying Mackay Sugar can choose who markets their GEI (grower economic interest) sugar for the next season. Growers can market their GEI sugar with a single marketer or split it on a percentage basis between marketers.

The deadline by which growers have to make a nomination each year is 31 October, for the season commencing in June of the following year.

If no nomination is made by the 31 October deadline, the grower’s GEI marketing arrangements from the previous season carry over to the next season.

QCS is Mackay Sugar’s mill-owned GEI marketer. You can find out more about QCS’ GEI marketing offer by browsing through the following:

If you’d like to complete a GEI marketing nomination for a future season (the 2024 Season and beyond), you can download a nomination form, complete it and return it to Mackay Sugar via one of the methods on the form.


For more information, please contact QCS Grower Services Officer Arthur Douglas on 0447 534 791 or via email.