Forward pricing enables growers supplying Mackay Sugar to lock in sugar prices beyond the current season.

Growers can price part of their estimated production for up to four seasons ahead of the current season. The proportion of estimated production that can be priced may differ by season and according to the agreements the grower has in place.

Forward pricing can be conducted in one of two ways:

  1. ‘QCS to Decide’ pricing
  2. Grower individual pricing orders (GIPO)

Both ‘QCS to Decide’ and GIPO pricing can be administered directly by growers through the QCS Pricing Portal. You can read more about the Portal here. For those growers that don’t have reliable internet, or aren’t confident using technology to forward price, we offer other options to assist you.

‘QCS to Decide’ pricing

Growers can nominate GEI Sugar to ‘QCS to Decide’ pricing for up to four seasons ahead of the current season. QCS makes the pricing and marketing decisions for sugar nominated to this option.

Grower individual pricing orders

Growers can nominate a percentage of their available tonnage for the relevant season, and select one or more pricing levels (in $10 ‘bands’ or increments) at which they would like their GEI sugar to be priced.

This gives growers control over their own pricing, and the freedom to place orders ‘any time, any place’, via the Pricing Portal.

Find out more about forward pricing

You can read more about why you might want to consider forward pricing here, or give us a call to discuss forward pricing options