QCS continues to offer the industry’s most effective and straightforward GEI marketing offer.

We offer growers the ability to combine a simple in-season pricing mechanism with effective use of forward pricing. And you don’t need to worry about managing in-season production risk — QCS takes care of that so you can get on with business.

Marketing with QCS continues to provide:

INDUSTRY-LEADING RETURNS QCS’ returns have to date led the market. The world sugar market is tough at the moment, but you can be confident your QCS returns are among the best available.
100% LOCAL FOCUS QCS is owned by Mackay Sugar, and is focused 100% on maximising returns to Mackay growers. We work closely with growers and the mills to understand the growing, harvesting and processing conditions in our region and we tailor our pricing and marketing strategies to suit local circumstances.
A LOW-COST OPERATING MODEL QCS provides at-cost services to Mackay Sugar growers that nominate us as their GEI marketer. Keeping costs down is critical, because every cost your marketer incurs is paid by you (through shared pool costs or marketing fees). We ensure the QCS team is small but highly skilled — and we spend our time pricing and marketing your sugar, not attending cane cutting events or counting jellybeans.
ACCESS TO THE DOMESTIC MARKET Mackay Sugar’s long-term domestic supply contract with Sugar Australia delivers substantial freight cost savings to growers.
SIMPLE, FLEXIBLE FORWARD PRICING Our forward pricing options are flexible & simple to manage. We don’t ask you to work out contract expiries or price specific amounts, & tonnage is not committed until priced.


You can read more about the process for GEI marketing nominations here.

If you’d like to complete a GEI marketing nomination for a future season (the 2021 Season and beyond), please download the form below, complete it and return it to Mackay Sugar via one of the methods on the form:


If you’d like to know more, please contact QCS Grower Services Officer Arthur Douglas on 0447 534 791 or via email.