GEI marketing nominations for each new season close on 31 October the previous year. For example, nominations for the 2024 Season closed on 31 October 2023.

You can change your GEI marketing nomination for the next season at any time prior to the closing date for the season.

If you would like to participate in forward pricing, you can make a nomination for an eligible future season at any time.

You can find out more about GEI marketing by browsing through the following:

If you do not make a nomination for the next season before the closing date, your GEI sugar for that season will be marketed the same way as in the previous season.

If you’d like to complete a GEI marketing nomination for the 2025 Season or beyond, you can download the nomination form, complete it and return it to Mackay Sugar via one of the methods on the form.


If you’d like to know more, please contact QCS Grower Services Officer Arthur Douglas on 0447 534 791 or via email.