2023 Season Pricing Pool Terms

QCS is offering the following pricing pools in the 2023 Season. You can access the detailed pool terms by clicking on the relevant pool name below.

Forward pricing

Growers can forward price their GEI Sugar for up to four seasons ahead of the current season, using the following options:

  • ‘QCS to Decide’ forward pricing. Growers can nominate GEI Sugar to ‘QCS to Decide’ pricing. QCS makes the pricing and marketing decisions for sugar nominated to this option.
  • GIPO forward pricingGrowers who would like to control their own pricing, and the freedom to place orders ‘any time, any place’ via the Pricing Portal, can nominate a percentage of their available tonnage for the relevant season, and select one or more pricing levels (in $10 ‘bands’ or increments) at which they would like their GEI sugar to be priced.

In-season pricing

QCS’ in-season pricing options are:

  • the Short Term Pool. The Short Term Pool is the default in-season pricing pool managed by QCS. It is managed by QCS as a single pool, but the pool may include a range of pricing mechanisms, based on the QCS view of the market for a particular season. Production risk is managed within the structure of the Short Term Pool, and growers are note required to commit a percentage of their in-season production to a separate production risk pool.
  • Grower Managed Pricing. This is a pricing pool for growers who want to manage their own in-season price risk. Pricing in this pool is undertaken at the grower’s discretion, and executed by QCS on the grower’s instructions. GMP is available for seasons up to and including the 2027 Season. For more information, growers can contact Grower Services Officer Arthur Douglas on 0447 534 791 or via email. Eligibility criteria apply for participation in this pool.

Shared Pool

Under the cane supply agreement between Mackay growers and Mackay Sugar, a Shared Pool component (US Quota pricing plus/less QCS revenues and expenses) is applied to approximately three per cent of in-season tonnage.


Terms used in the pool terms are detailed in the Definitions.


If you have any questions about the pool terms, please contact QCS Grower Services Officer Arthur Douglas on 0447 534 791 or via email.