Comparing 2017 Season performance: QCS and QSL

2017 Season weighted average net pool price
for ICE 11 managed pools ($ per IPS tonne)
QCS 457.85
QSL 414.56

In a recent Australian Canegrower magazine article, QSL published its 2017 Season weighted average net pool price for ICE 11 managed pools. US Quota returns were not included in that figure, as the US Quota is an ICE 16 pool. QSL’s Shared Pool return was included in the return.

QCS has calculated its 2017 in-season pricing return on the same basis, so that you can directly compare returns from QCS and QSL. It may not be 100 per cent accurate, but we believe it’s a highly credible comparison.

It can be hard to make direct comparisons, but QCS believes it is critical, in a competitive GEI sugar marketing environment, that we find ways to do this.

The cane supply agreement between MSL and its growers* requires us to work out your in-season returns (Short Term Pool and Shared Pool) in a specific way, which is different from that used by QSL to report its returns.

That’s one of the reasons why it’s difficult to look at your Canepay statements or the monthly updates on the QCS website, and relate the numbers to those published by QSL.

What matters is the amount that goes into your ‘back pocket’ at the end of each season. The ability to forward price (and the amount you may forward price) may also be important to you. It is helpful to bear these factors in mind when considering who you want to nominate as your GEI sugar marketer.

If you would like to discuss these or any aspects of GEI marketing, please don’t hesitate to call the team at QCS on 1800 774 246.

* QCS in-season pricing returns only apply to Mackay growers, as Mossman and Tablelands growers have different in-season pricing arrangements.